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Chalupa's Movies: Venus

August 16, 2007


I wanted to see this movie based on the trailers I saw. I didn't quite know the plot until I started watching it. I was a little surprised, but not really at all. It's basically an old man falls in love with a much younger girl/woman. I don't remember her age being revealed, but she couldn't have been much more than 20. Even though I felt like this was a very good movie by the end, I was still creeped out just a little bit. I also don't feel like I could recommend this to many people at all based on just content. This was almost a reverse Léon in a way. You know, the international version of The Professional starring Jean Reno, Natalie Portman and Gary Oldman. If you haven't seen the longer, uncut version I can sum it up for you. There are some extra and extended scenes re-enforcing the fact that Mathilda is in love with Leon. I say Venus is a reverse because in this case it's the old man loving the young girl. For some reason this seems like a worse case, but both parties were in that consenting stage of life. "Venus", or Jessie is played by Jodie Whittaker and Maurice (the old man) is played by none other than the great and amazing Peter O'Toole. I'm not even going to start on a list of his accomplishments because it would be too immense. To give you an idea of their real age difference, Peter O'Toole just turned 75 two weeks ago and Jodie Whittaker is/will be 25 this year. Jessie was in a way starved for attention and had a warped sense of what love really is. Maurice was an old man enamored with a young girl he couldn't have and crossed the line more than once. But, and this is a very big but, Jessie kept encouraging him. The more and more time they spent together, the more she would allow him, and even invite him, to do things. Now right now you might be saying, "What the hell?" It's not as bad as it sounds. Seriously. I'm talking about things like touching her hand, kissing her shoulder; it wasn't that bad. It was still creepy and weird though. The language in this movie is a bit coarse. I kept going back and forth between potty-mouthed-old-men and this-takes-place-in-London and they-talk-that-way. I'm not really sure where I ended up, however, the choice in language didn't seem out of place or there for shock value. It truly fit. The movie ended well. I'm not going to give away the ending. If I wasn't sure I liked it halfway through, I definitely liked it by the end. Like I said before, I'm not going to recommend this to hardly anyone, but I'm still a fan.


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