The Dinner Game
The Dinner Game is a french movie that was recommended by a friend. The premise sounded pretty funny and it turned out to be a pretty good film. A group of stuck-up professionals get together once a week for dinner. One stipulation is the regulars have to bring an "idiot" to exploit and make-fun of.
Pierre finds such a man on a train who loves to make models of monuments, etc from matchsticks. Pierre just knows this guy is the king-of-all-idiots and invites him to dinner by making Francois think the other dinner guests are interested in making a book about his hobby. However, before Pierre and Francois can make it to dinner, everything seems to go terribly wrong. Wrong for Pierre that is. Everything from an injured back to his wife leaving him are all caused by the one man he was going to exploit and belittle. You might say Pierre got just what he deservered.
Filled with slapstick comedy and cheesy one-liners, this probably won't be at the top of everybody's comedy list. It's definitely light-hearted and fun. It's also in French so you'll get to read some sub-titles. I'm no expert on french film, but I really felt like I was getting a taste of the french-film culture. I'd highly recommend this one to anyone who considers themself a movie-fan.
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