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Chalupa's Movies: Waitress

June 29, 2007


Now here's a movie that left me pleasantly surprised. I was a little intrigued by the previews. I occasionally like to cook things and all the unique pies sounded interesting. There was also the fact that Nathan Fillion (Firefly and Serenity) was starring in it AND this was Adrienne Shelly's last movie. I usually try to avoid the PG-13 movies because I get annoyed with the crowd. Tara knows what I'm talking about here - all those pre-pubescent teens. Luckily the theater wasn't full of them this time around. So Jenna, played by Keri Russell, is pregnant and married to the biggest jerk in the world, Jeremy Sisto. Jenna likes to make pies and starts going to her new doctor who is played by Fillion. Jenna falls in love with her doctor because he's the only man that has noticed her, and isn't a jerk, in quite some time. What's she going to do? How can she get rid of Earl, her husband? Don't worry, it doesn't turn into a murder mystery or get cheesy. Things work out in the end. One of the best parts is when Old Joe, the owner of the diner where she works, tells Earl a thing or two. Everything seems to work out for the best in the end. Definitely a feel good movie. Not quite as feel-good as Amelie, but something to put a smile on your face and worth watching every so often.


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