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Chalupa's Movies: Best Movies of 2004

January 25, 2005

Best Movies of 2004

In case you care, here's your author's top 10 picks. They'll also be linked on the side. Neville: 10. Hotel Rwanda 9. The Passion of the Christ 8. Garden State and Napoleon Dynamite 7. The Motorcycle Diaries 6. Bad Education 5. Million Dollar Baby 4. Mean Girls 3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2. Kill Bill: Volume 2 1. Finding Neverland Liz: 5. The Village 4. Napoleon Dynamite 3. I Heart Huckabees 2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 1. Garden State Chalupa: 10. Maria Full of Grace 9. The Terminal 8. I Heart Huckabees 7. Super Size Me 6. Hero 5. Mean Creek 4. Kill Bill: Volume 2 3. Napoleon Dynomite 2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 1. Garden State


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