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Chalupa's Movies: Harold and Kumar go to White Castle

January 12, 2005

Harold and Kumar go to White Castle

Aside from the "Road Trip"-like obsession with female breasts that this movie seems to have, "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle" is one of those funny, escapist movies, with two new talents leading a host of other struggling actors in the misadventures of one friday night to a white castle after seeing a commercial for it on TV earlier. What a great setup? Isn't it? I love how simple and ridiculous everything in this movie is. However, although it's from the director of "Dude, Where's my car?" arguably one of the worst films and most disappointing movies of that particular year, this movie is much smarter and has way more social style and class then Ashton Kutcher could ever muster up.

Sure, the story is implausible and by the end gets a little tiring and annoying. But the two main actors are likeable, fun-loving, weed-obsessed 20-something year old guys, and their congenial spirits make it worth the trip. Also, the film also works as a racial and ethnic culture commentary, playing on so many stereotypes that in the end, you wonder if the young black man who's in the jail cellar really was on to something when he said: "life has a way of working things out just as they should be" or something like that. Oh, and what boldness to take on such stereotype blasting: "an asian-american guy who works in banking and 'loves crunching numbers' and "an indian guy who's aced the MCAT tests and is practically and literally a natural born surgeon."

I wish all moves had such daring social strength.


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