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Chalupa's Movies: The Polar Express

December 23, 2004

The Polar Express

I just saw this movie tonight and wow, was I missing something. I loved this movie...I loved pretty much everything about it. It was entertaining and beautiful, christmasy and wintery (not the same thing), and a movie I found myself getting way way too into. It's always very telling when you, the 22-year-old, are thinking the same things as the seven-year-old girl sitting behind you. The only difference is, she's not afraid to yell out these thoughts at the screen (i love seeing movies like this and having kids talk back sporadically to the makes me smile).

Anyways, if you haven't seen it...go see it. I now know what Roger Ebert has been raving about. It's the first movie I can think of that is based on a children's book that seems to not lose any of the magic found in the book but rather, on the contrary, brings the magic and wonder of the book to new heights! But then again, maybe I'm just a sucker for a really really good holiday/kid's movie? Whatever the reason, I loved this movie.


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