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Chalupa's Movies: Bad Education

January 12, 2005

Bad Education

The infamous Pedro Almodovar returns with this stunning, NC-17 homage to film noir flicks and previous Almodovar films such as "All About My Mother" and "Talk to Her" with the much anticipated "Bad Education."

So why is this movie not really about attacking the Roman Catholic Church? And why is it not simply about transexuals, homosexuals, and drag queens? And why the oh-so-uncomfortable material dealing with child molestation and other similar abusive attacks on the Church? So many questions, so little answers.

Yes, the movie makes you uneasy but it also makes you intrigued. From the opening credits that mimic "Psycho" in its score, however, even more intensified with the credits acting as pieces of blood-stained colorful paper, ripping crossward and upward up off of the screen, to the final end melodramatic "ah-ha" that's so reminicient of many 50s and 60s films within the film noir tradition ("Double Indemity", "Dead Ringer," to name just two of the many great ones), "Bad Education" is the kind of film you leave either loving movies all over again OR hating and disgusted with what you've just seen. To the latter people, they probably won't be able to handle or enjoy watching all the sexually charged drama that is constantly unfolding here, but to the former (if you're a true film buff) you won't be able to deny the movie's bantering on greatness and (dare I say it) what might be called a cinematic masterpiece. But the film, essentially, is not about a bunch of gay guys who secretly want each other or about the way the Catholic church might have been largely at fault in creating some of the most significant personal and social problems of our time, but it's about the crave and struggle for power, in every facet of life. Gael Garcia Bernal, who gave one of the most moving performances of the year in "The Motorcycle Diaries" gives another, possibly even richer performance here that is so different and unique, he may have just unconciously self-declared himself the most monumental force working in the film industry abroad today.

I know many will hate me when I do this (especially those who end up watching it) but "Bad Education" is going on my top ten list. See it, if you dare.


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