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Chalupa's Movies: Volver

May 21, 2007


I'm sure some of you have seen this movie/know what it is, and others of you have no idea what I'm talking about. Volver got some press because it was directed by Pedro Almodóvar (La mala educación and many others) was nominated for an Oscar, and also won 36 other film awards world-wide. This movie is about relationships between women who are related to each other. You have mother-daughter relationships, sister-sister relationships, aunt-niece relationships and grandmother-granddaughter relationships. This film has a bit to say about taking care of your friends and loved ones, and doing the "right" thing in situations. I mention doing the "right" thing because a lot of times we're willing to bend the rules when it involves people we know and love. People will do weird things to protect their child, mother, friend, etc. All seriousness aside though, we do get to see some fun interactions between family and even some reconcilliation. This film is in spanish. It takes place in Spain so you'll hear some of that tell-tale lisp that is a bit different from most latin-american speakers. There are also little things here and there that might seem weird, but is just culturally different. I wouldn't put this movie in my top 10 list of 2006, but it's definitely worth a watch.


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