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Chalupa's Movies: Superbad

August 20, 2007


I finally saw the long awaited and hoped-for Superbad and have to say that I was in no way dissapointed. I think this is by far, the dirtiest teen-genre movie I've seen and it wasn't full of naked co-eds going at it like rabbits. In fact, the only nudity is at the very beginning of a movie when we see a magazine cover. One side note is that when Liz and I saw this, a guy walked in with his 3 or so very young children. We were pretty worried about them being in there, but he got up and ushered his youngtsers out before they were even out of the convenient store (couple minutes in). That made us quite relieved. He must not have realized what the movie was. As I've said before, Judd Apatow is amazing. He didn't direct this, but he did produce the film along with co-writer and star Seth Rogen and co-writer Evan Goldberg. Like most "cool" Hollywood people, Apatow and Rogen brought in tons of their friends from previous shows and movies. That's one thing I've really enjoyed about Freaks and Geeks, Undeclared, 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up - I get to see all my favorite actors and actresses again. One of my favorites was seeing Steve Bannos as the math teacher. He was also the math teacher in Freaks and Geeks. Then there are also the new people brought in like Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Michael Cera, an upcoming comic genius to be reckoned with. Story - this is probably the best high school portrayal I've seen in a long time. This is even better than Fast Times at Ridgemont High or Dazed and Confused. Elephant is another amazing high-school movie, but it's in a totally different league. One thing I love so much about things Rogen and Apatow are involved in is just the dialog. It's so real. Yeah it can be rough around the edges and a little "dirty" at times, but it's how I remember high school. Just the way people act, think and look is so amazingly perfect. I'm continually wowed. The basic gist of the story is you have three fairly average senior high school students. One of them has just acquired a fake ID with the name 'McLovin' and the three friends have promised to buy booze for a popular girl's party. This sounds pretty average. In fact it sounds way too average. What happens in between the promise and fulfilling it is what makes this a masterpiece. Store robberies, mistaken identities, crazy adult-parties, bar fights and a pair of buddy-cops that could give Hot Fuzz a run for its money turn this into one of the best movies of the summer. I know I can't recommend this to a lot of people just because of the content. They'll turn it off or walk out just like that responsible father did within the first few minutes or scenes. Even though this movie is pretty dirty, it's still going in my top three movies of the year. The hard part will be decided which I like the best.


Blogger Reel Fanatic said...

I too love spotting all my "Freaks and Geeks" and "Undeclared" favorites in these movies ... If I'm not mistaken, that was the young lady who played Lizzie in "Undeclared" who did the bloody bump and grind with Jonah Hill in the party scene? Simply priceless

As far as the least appropriate movie I've seen young kids in, I'd have to go with "Hustle & Flow," though I adore the movie .. There must have been at least 10 younguns in the theater when I went to say that ... appalling!

4:06 PM, August 20, 2007  
Blogger Chalupa said...

Yep, that was definitely Lizzie. She was also the girl who got kicked in the face in 40 Year Old Virgin.

I haven't seen Hustle & Flow yet, but it's on my Netflix list. Thanks for stopping by RF!

8:21 AM, August 21, 2007  

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