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Chalupa's Movies: Dan In Real Life

November 13, 2007

Dan In Real Life

If you liked Pieces of April or About a Boy, you'll probably love this movie because it was written and directed by Peter Hedges. Dan in Real Life, is about a widower who write a daily column in the local newspaper about parenting, family and life in general. It's that time of year again when the whole family gets together and Dan accidentally falls in love with his little brother's new girlfriend. First off, if you're any kind of fan of Steve Carell (Anchorman, 40 Year Old Virgin, Little Miss Sunshine, The Office) I think you'll like this. Lots of comedy. Lots of laughter. Lots of Steve Carell. Another welcomed face would be Juliette Binoche (Chocolat) who plays the girlfriend and even Dane Cook who plays Mitch, the younger brother. I'm a big fan of Dane Cook and his stand-up comedy. I even liked him as The Waffler in Mystery Men and nearly laughed myself to tears seeing him as a line cook in Waiting..., however, he just played Dane Cook in those movies. It was nice to see him branch out a bit and actually act. One thing Liz and I noticed was Dan didn't really discipline his kids. Throughout the movie he did things they didn't like - the oldest wasn't allowed to drive and the middle child wasn't allowed to do what she wanted with her boyfriend. In response, the children weren't very respectful of their father. If I had acted that way towards my mother at that age, I would probably be walking with a limp now; especially if I had done that in front of my grandfather. This kind of seems like a trend in society and movies. Parents are often busy trying to be their kids' friend instead of being the parent. Overall, we really enjoyed this one. It has a happy ending and is sure to entertain. You should check it out. I know you'll love the impromptu song about pig-faced Ruthie Draper.


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