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Chalupa's Movies: Hitch

November 4, 2007


Starring Will Smith, Eva Mendes and Kevin James, this is a movie I remember hearing college students, where I work, talk unceasingly about back in '05, along with The Notebook - which I still haven't seen. I didn't really know what all the hub-bub was about and after two years it finally found its way to slot #1 on my Netflix list. This is a movie partly about a man hiring a dating coach to help instill confidence in himself while pursuing the woman of his dreams. The other half is the dating coach also pursuing the woman of his dreams. If you know much about the actors listed above, I'm sure you've already guessed that Will Smith is the suave and sophisticated dating coach while Kevin James is the somewhat nerdy and uncoordinated client. James' character, Albert, is after a woman he used to work for and Smith's character, Hitch, is after Sara, a woman he met in a bar. Throughout the movie we watch Hitch give Albert tips and lessons on how he should conduct himself in public and around his date. We also see Hitch putting his own advice into action while Sara is after this mystery man that supposedly helped to ruin her best friend's life. That man turns out to be Hitch, or so Sara thinks. She eventually exposes him in her gossip column, ruining Hitch's career and the relationships his clients have made or are in the process of forming. Things turn out in the end though - this is a PG-13 feel good, happy, dating movie after all. The last 20 minutes are so do get pretty cheesy for me, but overall I enjoyed myself while watching this.


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