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Chalupa's Movies: Murderball

January 16, 2006


If you didn't know, murderball was the original name for a variation of rugby created in Canada. The game is actually pretty close to the original. The main difference is the players are all quadriplegic. As stated by one of the players, this isn't the Special Olympics. These players are not mentally challenged at all, they just have impaired limbs. If you're into documentaries, I'd say this one is a must see. We follow the US team and some of its players through the world games and the Olympics. This game looks so fun I almost wish I was in a wheelchair myself. In order to play they use modified "Mad Max-style" chairs with reinforced steel and solid wheels. Other than that, it's just like a game of rugby. As we all know that means lots of hard hits and occasionally some people in the air. I found a lot of the extras on the DVD as cool as the documentary itself. If you go out and rent this make sure to watch the Jackass Presents: Murderball. It's the guys from the aforementioned show hanging out/interviewing some of the players.


Blogger The Readster said...

Thanks for recommending this one. I found this movie grabbed my interest and kept me involved. I didn't expect to like Murderball, but I did.

1:05 PM, July 27, 2006  

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