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Chalupa's Movies: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

January 11, 2006

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Here's one sci-fi movie I really didn't know what to think of before watching it. I heard raving good reviews about from friends of mine that would love it no matter what, and remember hearing nothing but complaints from the media when it came out. Well, I watched it for myself and have to say I enjoyed it, a lot. I haven't even read the book(s). One cool thing was spotting Kelly Macdonald, who played a reporter, after just watching Trainspotting with TLoft where she played Diane. There's tons and tons of recognizable people in this film. That is always cool. A couple people from Love Actually, Mos Def, Zooey Deschanel, Warwick Davis (from Willow and many other films), etc, etc. If you're not really into British humor there's a good chance you might find this one very boring. There's a lot of randomness and geekiness that most people probably aren't going to appreciate.


Blogger melissa said...

this was an entertaining, pretty funny movie. but you really should read the book =) there were so many good jokes that you just cant translate into a movie. a lot of the hilarity is in the author's descriptions. the good thing about it is reading it doesnt take much effort but you still get a lot of laughs.
and oh my gosh i can barely read this word verification type in comment thing. theyre getting harder.

1:08 AM, February 01, 2006  

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