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Chalupa's Movies: Shopgirl

November 18, 2005


This is the much awaited movie-form of Steve Martin's novella and I'd have to say I really liked it. Martin also wrote the screenplay, directed the movie, and acted in it. Zach Braff anyone? I remember seeing a trailer for this a little while ago and thought it had potential, but then Liz started telling me all about it because she's read, and owns a copy of, the book. Apparently this really captures what it's like to be a 25 year old female. I can't say I have much experience in that department, but I'm just going to agree. The other main characters in here are Claire Danes and Jason Schwartzman, son of the unforgettable Talia Shire from Rocky. Schwartzman had a lot of funny lines that were very I Heart Huckabees-ish, yet it wasn't like he was being typecast here. The other day I was being asked if this was more of a comedy or a funny drama. I wasn't really sure what to say. It definitely has that independent film feel to it. You know, the type of movie that doesn't fit any one cookie-cutter genre type/style so they just call it "independent". All I know is that if you get a chance, get yourself down to Castleton Arts before they shut down. I love that place and sadly enough....they're closing down.


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