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Chalupa's Movies: Lords of Dogtown

January 11, 2006

Lords of Dogtown

I first thought this movie was just going to be a lot of fluff about skateboarding. It turned out to be a psuedo-documentary and all-around sweet movie about some of the original badboys of skateboarding. It turns out there's three main kids that were part of a skating "team", who eventually went their seperate ways, that pioneered what we now know as the extreme sport of skateboarding. Tony Hawk learned from these guys. The extra stuff was very interesting to watch as I kept learning more and more about the people this movie was about. Another very cool freature was a lot of the original kids, now adults, were in this movie. Some were security guards, judges...pretty much random people throughout. Stacy Peralta, one of "the three" wrote the film and even had a cameo where he was directing himself in a commercial shoot. This movie was more than just a lot of cool stunts, crazy parties, and drugged up/drunk wild children of the 60's and 70's. This movie showed a peek into the lives of the children and what made them them. I think it's the humanity and realness in movies that really suckers me in to watching them. It makes you feel connected, it's like you know these people even though you've never actually seen or talked to them. This is definitely worth a watch if you have the time.


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