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Chalupa's Movies: Idiocracy

January 22, 2007


I have to say I was a little disappointed with this one. After all, Office Space is my favorite movie of all time. While there were several funny and hilarious moments, Mike Judge kinda let me down here. Maybe I was expecting something else or had expectations. I'm not really sure. Idiocracy is a story about the world gone bad....real bad. After a botched military experiment, two people wake up out of cryogenic freezing to find the world a much worse place. Apparently the slackers reigned and they find humanity reduced to the lowest possible denominator in the smarts area. After many trials and tribulations, Luke Wilson and Maya Rudolph are able to help the people of the future do things like grow crops and bring back the economy. Maybe I just need to watch this one again some time. It was late at night, however, everybody that was watching it with me pretty much had the same opinion. Maybe it was just because this was popped in immediately after Beerfest and we were already laughed out for the night. Not really sure, but I'm willing to give this another try at some point.


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