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Chalupa's Movies: Sherman's March

December 5, 2006

Sherman's March

If you know me or read this blog very often, you'll know I always enjoy a good documentary. Well I found what looked to be something cool on Netflix a while back - a documentary about Sherman's March. This was when General Sherman marched across the South, to the sea and devastated the civilian population everywhere he turned. This sounds like it would be good, right? This is another case of expectations not being met for me. Apparently I didn't read the description of the movie before I eagerly added it to my queue. While in the next couple paragraphs I'm going to rock this movie for how I thought of it, this is probably 70% due to the fact I was expecting something totally different. The other 30% is just because the movie was lame. Well, Ross McElwee starts out with his illusions of grandeur only to find out his girlfriend has just dumped him. That's in the first 5 min and this is where the movie starts to turn south (no pun intended). The rest of the movie is then Ross chasing after every girl he meets. He's like a kid in a toy store who sees a toy and must have it. Nothing else in the world matters to him, but this one toy. Then he turns around and sees toy #2. Now he feels stupid for even ever considering toy #1 to be cool and shiny and desirable. All that matters is how much he needs toy #2. Then he turns again and sees a third toy.... I'm sure you get the point. It was psuedo interesting, but many times I left the room for a few minutes here and there and I didn't really care that I was missing parts of the movie. It wasn't that great. Left me feeling a sense of loss. I was really hoping to watch a documentary about Sherman's March.


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