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Chalupa's Movies: Borat

December 5, 2006


Robby, Liz and I saw this over the weekend and we now know what everybody is raving about. This movie is hilarious! There are definitely some crazy parts, some offensive parts and maybe even some gross parts. I'm sure there are many who would not find this funny at all...but I did. Maybe this should be tossed into the same category as South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut. The one thing I'm actually surprised with is how people are trying to sue Sasha Baron Cohen after finding out they're in the movie. These people signed release forms and were interacting with a man and a camera crew. This guy also has a TV show where he plays the exact same character. I guess some people are just slow to catch on. If you don't know much about this movie, a man pretends to be a news reporter from Kazakhstan and travels all over the US gaining experiences along the way. He's very anti-semitic and has many offensive ideas and ideologies that he shares with just the right people along the way. He also does a lot of things to put people in awkward situations and seems to get away with it because he's "foreign". I can't recommend this to most, but I found this one to be quite funny.


Blogger Emma said...

I thought it was hilarious, but, agreed, it was hardly the kind of movie you'd go see with your parents.

6:24 PM, December 08, 2006  

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