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Chalupa's Movies: Deja Vu

January 22, 2007

Deja Vu

I saw this one at the dollar theater. I love the dollar theater cause if the movie turns out to be a bust, you aren't out that much. I wasn't really sure what to expect from this movie. In fact, I was kind of expecting it to be "one of those movies" where I'd be glad I had seen it for a dollar. Surprisingly, I really liked this one. If you're not sure what deja vu means, here's a definition: 1.Psychology. the illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time. Make sense? Well you have Denzel Washington who is a cop and there's been a horrific crime. While he's trying to check some things out, he sort of has that "deja vu" sense about the whole thing. We then find out that the government has this big top secret equipment where they can look back in time 4 days 6hours and 45min, if I remember correctly. So they use this top secret equipment to look back in time and solve the crime. The equipment shows them the past at "real time". This means that they can't fast forward or rewind so they better pay close attention. They end up solving the crime and getting their man, but this has gotten personal for Denzel and he still feels the need to tie up some loose ends. This is where it gets interesting and you find out why the movie has its name. I won't go into too many more details just because you should go out and watch this yourself. I give this one a surprised two thumbs up.


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