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Chalupa's Movies: What's Eating Gilbert Grape

July 7, 2005

What's Eating Gilbert Grape

This one's a bit old, but pretty decent nonetheless. There's also a few good actors: Johhny Depp, Juliette Lewis, John C Reilly, and then of course there was Leonardo DiCaprio. I almost feel ashamed to say that Leo did a good job here. I'm not exactly sure why but I've always just written him off as some bum actor. I used to heartily dislike Brad Pitt too, but the guy is a good actor. All you have to do is watch his movies and you'll see him in a very wide selection of roles showing he's not to be pidgeon-holed as a one trick pony. I think this is a really good movie about family dynamics. Depp's character definately reminded me a bit of myself in how I've always been afraid I'll turn out like my dad. I know that it doesn't have to be that way cause I choose the way I am...but the possibility is still there. It's scary. Like I said before, DiCaprio does an excellent job playing Arnie. It's always interesting how everybody is always trying to be "normal" yet nobody really is. Everybody, every family has problems of some sort. Yet people try to hide/ignore them for various reasons. This doesn't mean that people don't deal with them, it's just that everybody wants to be cool and fit in. I think this is one of those films you can definately watch and get something out of or watch and be completely bored/disinterested. I think there's a message here to be heard. The real question is will you take the time to listen.


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