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Chalupa's Movies: The Big Kahuna

June 18, 2005

The Big Kahuna

This one is a little old, but not quite over the hill by any means. Came out in 1999. There's also only 3 main characters - Kevin Spacey, Danny DeVito and Peter Facinelli. Now I'll be the first to admit this movie is a little slow, but as Toll says, "slow movies have the greatest potential for being great at the end." Let's just say that this one keeps up with Toll's saying. The plot goes something like there's 3 guys from a company that go to a convention to schmooze with representatives from their customers and try to encourage them to maintain/increase/create accounts with them. The whole point of the night it to try and find one guy and talk him into using their product, The Big Kahuna. Well, nobody can seem to find this guy, but Bob - the new guy, apparently ran into him and talked to him all night about pets, life, religion, etc. When they find out Bob made a connection with the man, his colleauges send Bob back out to try and talk to him again only this time about the company. Turns out Bob decides not to talk busines, but talk Jesus instead. Now this last sentence may or may not resonate with you, I'm sure you can guess this irrates Bob's fellow businessmen. An argument and fight insues between two of them and afterwards Danny DeVito says a few, yet powerful words. Bob insists that in talking about Jesus he's being real with people. DeVito's character points out that if you're going to have a conversation with somebody, the minute you steer that conversation it becomes a sales pitch, not a conversation. This doesn't matter if you talk about Jesus, widgets, hamburgers, steel beams, etc. So even though this one is slow, I still think it packs a powerful punch. If you have some time to mildly pay attention and are looking for something to think about, check this one out.


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