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Chalupa's Movies: Runaway Jury

August 9, 2004

Runaway Jury

Saw Runaway Jury with Joe and Cheryl and Jim (a.k.a Superjew from the Springs) and his very pregnant wife Nichole. I'm not exactly sure how much I liked it yet. There were definitely some cool aspects to it like John Cusack not in a High Fidelity - Grosse Pointe Blank - Say Anything role (even though I own and enjoy all 3), Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman and Rachel Weisz, interesting plot, etc. Some things I didn't really like was how the movie kinda advocated that gun companies are responsible for the violence that people act out with them. I'm sure many people disagree with me on this, as I so easily found out being at Taylor, but I really don't see the logic in that. Being a gun owner, I know that it takes a finger to pull the trigger. The gun is just a tool. More people die every year car related incidents then gun related incidents. So why don't people get 'up-in-arms' (pun intended) over crappy drivers all the time and sue the car companies? Ok, I'll get off my soapbox. This movie was a decent court-room drama sort of thing that was a bit suspenseful and contained a few twist sorta things. If you're a Cusack fan I'd definitely recommend this - especially if you enjoyed seeing him branch out in Identity.


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